"I love your show and want to support you but...ewww Zack, I don't want to spend money"
All moral support, even from self-important dolts, is appreciated! Gimme all the praise!
That's smart of you - I don't want to spend money either. However, you should know that spending your hard earned monies is FAR from the only way that you can help keep this ship of podcasting-state sailing along. Case in point - tell someone. That's free, and it takes literally less than ten seconds. Don't believe me? How quickly can you say check out WDF by going to wdfpodcast.com you'll love it if you love history podcasts. I managed 8 seconds, so there's really no excuse. I may have dribbled during the effort, but still, that's not what matters. Where am I going with this?
Oh yes of course - this section will show you the best ways that you can support for free. In the beginning, there was only BEFIT, but we've since moved on from just that glorious acronym, and have added several other means through which you can help us move forward. Here is a list of the best ways you can support without looking at BEFIT!
Being an active history friend and doing your bit by sharing, liking and engaging with our social media presence (Facebook and Twitter), so that the word of WDF gets out there on the interweb, so make sure you do! This way you can be generous with your presence, but not your dolla's!
[[It's at this point where I'd list Patreon if I was listing ALL ways you can help, but as you can see, Patreon is only small part of the supporting process - most of the avenues are free to travel down!]]
Now then, about BEFIT...
Are you accessing us in all the ways you can be? There's more to WDF than just the pod you know!
The Importance of BE-ING-FIT! (BEFIT!)
Please remember BEFIT when thinking of ways to support or get in contact with this podcast. BEFIT is quite clearly an acronym, designed to help you remember the varied ways you can help WDF through monetary support, morale support or just spreading general awareness.
B is for: the blog, the Vassal State, which in fact is only a button press away!
It has also been known to stand for the books which are then currently available.
E is for: email, wdfpodcast@hotmail.com Send me an email and say hi!
F is for: Facebook: When Diplomacy Fails maintains an active Facebook page, and a Facebook group, so like us, join us, and keep up with our brilliant history friend community!
I is for: iTunes, [since rebranded as Apple Podcasts, but BEFAT is probably not a good message to send] the world's biggest podcatcher and a critical source of statistics for myself, iTunes is the podcatcher for much of the world's podcasts. Many third party podcatchers piggy back on what iTunes has done, so you should do the following if you both use iTunes and are in any way interested in WDF:
rate the podcast; gimme a nice 5*:
review the podcast; tell it like it is, but please be nice!;
subscribe to the podcast feed; this way the podcast comes directly to you every time it is released, meaning you won't miss a thing!T is for: Twitter! We’re very active on Twitter, as our many of our history friends, and I’ve had some great discussions since joining up. Follows and retweets are always appreciated!
It’s also been known to stand for TELL ANYONE! We're not fussy, seriously just spread the word - tell anyone who will listen about the podcast. If you know people, if they have ears, and you have a mouth, then you have no excuses.
So that's BEFIT! Thanks in advance for all you've done to support the humble pod. It all means so much to me that you guys get in contact with me, download my work, and continue to support in droves. I couldn't ask for better history friends!