The First World War was my first huge project for WDF, which I completed back in early 2013. In all it was a project I was very proud of, but in later years I would learn more about the conflict, and in the July Crisis Project in particular, I would put these lessons to use. That's not to say that there'll be nothing for an eager history friend here though - nowhere else will you find my analysis of the war's course. Hopefully by the end you'll have a good idea of what it all meant to the world, and why historians have deemed it the most important act in modern history.
WDF 20.1: SPECIAL= The First World War Part One: 1886-1895
Welcome all! Thanks for stopping by, for the first of nine episodes on the first world war. Instead of reflecting on the mammoth tusk (get it?) in front of me, I intead march on with international diplomacy across the world, as well as covering Bismarck's final days as the head of Germany. Give it a listen, and as usual comments or feedback are all welcomed! Lets get this war started! Thanksssss!
Bismarck was in the twilight of his career by the late 1880s, but his stamp on the whole system was still heavily felt.
WDF 20.2: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Two: 1896-1905
And we're back! Speeding back into your ears is the second part of my WW1 special, so I hope you enjoy it. This time we look at German naval plans (way more interesting than it sounds) Germany's plans for America, Britain's dilemma in Europe and the usual messy sidenotes that go with it. Please let me know what you thought!
The 20th century dawned with several explosive conflicts across the world, many of which we've spent a great a deal of time on. Here Japanese soldiers tend to their wounded in their transformative war against Russia.
WDF 20.3: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Three: 1906-1913
Here we are with part 3/9! Today we jump all over the world, first to Morocco, then the Balkans, then Morocco and then the Balkans again! So just two places really...but still fascinating in its impact on what would soon become the great war. Thanksssss
The Balkan Wars were profoundly important in shaping the pre-war years, as nationalist states with a memory of oppression broke free of their shackles and moved against the Ottoman Empire, shattering the old status quo in the process, and turbo charging an already fraught atmosphere.
WDF 20.4: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Four: The July Crisis of 1914
And here we are! In this episode are the ridiculous people that are responsible for the bloodiest century in human history, so be sure to thank them, as you listen to diplomacy failing miserably. Remember we have an actual special on this episode in the archives, and my conclusions there are much different to ones I reach here. Still, you should enjoy it!
The July Crisis facilitated, rather than halted, the war. Because of the failures of the statesmen that took part and the inability of any power to listen to anything other than the paranoid generals, Europe and thus the war was plunged over the abyss.
WDF 20.5: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Five: Over By Christmas
Welcome to the wonderful world of post July crisis, where we look at the opening salvos of the war that was meant to be over before the leaves fall and all that. Pretty soon it was clear that in that respect, everyone would be disappointed.
The Miracle on the Marne saved France and ensured that the Schlieffen Plan would fail, dooming Europe to four and a half years of war as a result.
WDF 20.6: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Six: 1915
Welcome to the special, today we examine a ton of angles surrounding WW1 in 1915; expect to see some Gallipoli and some ships and some Germans and some Americans. I will give nothing away! Let me know what you thought, thankssss!
The utter disaster that was Gallipoli was the first true blunder of the allies during the war, and was felt especially hard because it was on such a large scale. An entire campaign and countless lives, wasted. It remained to be seen whether the command would learn its lessons.
WDF 20.7: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Seven: 1916
Hello again, and welcome to 1916. We've got a lot to cover today, and we zip all over what was by 1916 a very global war, so come and join us already! Apologies for the cold, I'm practicing my sexy voice. Thankssss!
The allies had plainly learned nothing, as the brutal inefficiency of the Gallipoli campaign was repeated ad nauseum on the Somme, where mindless tactics and apocalyptic conditions combined to forge hell on earth.
WDF 20.8: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Eight: 1917
Welcome friends of history, to 1917 in World War One. This time we cover Passchendaele, America and Russia, as well as the juicy diplomatic bits in between. Hope you enjoy it and perhaps even learn something new too! Also, stick around at the end for some wonderfully nostalgic music. You won't regret it. Thanksssss!
Passchendaele was a horrendous campaign, involving solid toil and loss for a solid 6 months. The ultimate tragedy was that the following year, Germany would make up the losses and then some in their own lightening campaigns.
WDF 20.9: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Nine: 1918
Welcome back history friends, to the final solo episode on WW1: 1918. We look at the Duo's ever increasing monopoly on all things German, and the diplomacy that brought Russia down, as well as the final German offensive of the war. Hope you enjoy it guys, and thanksssss for being a part of this special!
The German Spring Offensive was made possible in 1918 due to the collapse of Russia, but German high command knew they had precious little time to make their weight in numbers felt, so a breathtaking offensive was launching, sweeping up everything that the allies held dear for numerous weeks, until it finally ran out of steam and resources, much to the relief of the allies.
WDF 20.99: SPECIAL= The First World War Part Ten: TALK
Welcome history friends, to the FINAL episode on WW1, episode 20.99 (that's right I ran out of numbers) TALK. This time Sean and I run through pretty much everything in World War One, in my desperate attempt to cram 3 months of goodness into one episode, hence the previously unheard of length. However, I do feel it's worth it, and I hope you'll agree. It was the longest TALK episode ever, but dare I say it it was also the best, and the prefect way to conclude this saga of a special that has taken on a life of its own over the past 3 months. So here's to that journey and cheers for sharing your time with me! A lot of work went into this episode folks, so sit back, relax, and soak in the historical banter shared by two best friends. Thanks again for the help mate, and thankssss very much to you also guys. Enjoy!