We've been through a lot, you and me. Sometimes though, it can be a bit jarring to sort through every portion of history, every story and every weirdo we've come across. With that in mind, here's a timeline I've decided to provide for you guys, after much prodding.
Here's how it works.
1) Scroll up & down the timeline; the bottom represents more recent history, and the top represents the older history.
2) Since we only really tackle subjects from 1500 onwards, that is where this timeline begins.
3) Remember you can find topics like WDF COLLABS here, and any WDF THINKS episodes that don't fit into the timeline here.
4) Click on a section to be taken to that part of the website; click on an individual episode to be taken to our hosting site where you can listen to that episode.
5) Let me know what you think of it! Since this is very much a one-man show, and technology hates me, I am always open to the idea of people getting on board and helping out!
1508-1516: WDF 21: The War of the League of Cambrai
1568-1648: WDF 22: The Dutch Revolt/The Eighty Years War
1588: WDF 24: The Spanish Armada
1618-1648: WDF 25: The Thirty Years War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8/ep9/ep10/ep11/ep12/ep13/ep14/ep15/ep16/ep17/ep18
1652-1654: WDF 26: The First Anglo-Dutch War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/
1655-1660: WDF 27: The Swedish Deluges/Second Northern War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5
1665-1667: WDF 28: The Second Anglo-Dutch War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8/ep9/ep10/ep11/ep12
1672-1678: WDF 29: The Franco-Dutch War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8/ep9/ep10/ep11/ep12/ep13/ep14/ep15/ep16/ep17/ep18/ep19/ep20/ep21/ep22/ep23/ep24
1679-1699: WDF 30: The Long War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8/ep9/ep10/ep11/ep12/ep13/ep14/ep15/ep16
1700-1721: WDF 7: The Great Northern War
listen to ep1/ep2
1700-1701: WDF THINKS: Prussia and its King
1701-1713: WDF 6: The War of the Spanish Succession
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4
1717: WDF THINKS: Poland in Crisis
1718-1720: WDF THINKS: A Tragic Heir
1733-1738: WDF 9: The War of the Polish Succession
listen to ep1/ep2
1756-1763: WDF 5: The Seven Years War
listen to ep1/ep2/TALK
1773-1783: WDF 8: The American Revolution
listen to ep1/ep2
1789-1798: WDF 10: Wars Against The French [French Revolution is covered in roughly 3/8 episodes of this multi-part series]
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3
1800-1815: WDF 10: Wars Against The French [Wars Against Napoleon is covered in roughly 5/8 episodes of this multi-part series]
listen to ep4/TALK/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8
1812-1815: WDF 14: The War of 1812
listen to ep1/ep2/TALK
1821-1828: WDF 23: The Greek War of Independence
1840-1879: Britain Goes To War
listen to #1 A) B) C)
listen to #2 A) ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8/ep9/ep10/ep11/ep12/ep13/ep14/ep15/ep16/ep17/ep18/ep19/ep20/ep21/ep22/ep23/ep24/TALK
1844-1846: WDF 11: The Mexican American War
listen to ep1/ep2
1853-1856: WDF 12: The Crimean War
listen to ep1/ep2/TALK
1857: WDF 16: The Indian Mutiny of 1857
listen to ep1/ep2
1866: WDF 17: The Austro-Prussian War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3
1870: WDF THINKS: Bismarck and Provocation
1870-1871: WDF 1: The Franco-Prussian War
listen to ep1/ep2/TALK
1877-1878: WDF 18: The Russo-Turkish War
listen to ep1/ep2/ep3
1894-1896: WDF 19: The First Italo-Ethiopian War
listen to ep1/ep2
1898: WDF 4: The Spanish American War
listen to ep1/ep2
1898-1901: WDF 13: The Second Boer War
listen to ep1/ep2/TALK
1900: WDF 15: The Boxer Rebellion
listen to ep1/ep2
1904-1905: WDF 3: The Russo-Japanese War
listen to ep1/ep2/TALK
1914, Summer: The July Crisis Anniversary Project
1914-1918: WDF 20: The First World War
1916: Easter Rising Centenary Miniseries
1918-1919: Versailles Anniversary Project *coming soon*
1950-53: Korean War Series
Cold War Crash Course ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5
Introduction episodes 1 and 2 & Prologue
Proper series episodes: ep1/ep2/ep3/ep4/ep5/ep6/ep7/ep8/ep9/ep10/ep11/ep12/ep13/ep14/ep15/