Well it’s about darn time…
PhD Pal is the latest tier which enables you, the listener, to go the extra mile in supporting the show, in return for some exclusive goodies!
After so many years working towards it, we have finally done it, and begun our History PhD in Trinity College Dublin. This is incredible, and represents the culmination of a personal and professional journey – but we’re far from done yet! Just like the peacemakers arrived at Westphalia in 1643, unaware that they were destined to spend five years talking each other’s ears off, so I am now locked into this programme until 2022 or 2023. In short, I have a lot of work ahead of me, but that does not mean that this podcast will be put to the side. As you’re probably aware, I have worked ahead, and prepared episodes of the Thirty Years War series and Poland Is Not Yet Lost to run every other week.
You will absolutely not be starved of content or my love, and for many of you, that may well be enough. But maybe, just maybe, there are history friends out there who want to go the extra mile, and help make this new phase in my life just as rewarding and exciting as those that came before. If that sounds like you, then maybe you would consider becoming a PhD Pal…
PhD Pal
What is a PhD Pal? Well, if you take a gander towards the Patreon Page, you’ll see that I’ve added a new $12 tier of support, which I have seen fit to call, ‘PhD Pal’. This status signifies your intent to accompany me on this journey, and to support me during this busy and stressful, but also exciting time. By signing up or increasing your pledge to $12 a month, you will obviously be sending a strong message across the history podcast universe, and to me personally. And in return, I will be sending a strong message right back to you…
Initially, we are tying this PhD Pal tier in with a timed ‘Special Offer’. For the month of October 2019 only, if you sign up at this level, then you will be listed in the Acknowledgements section of our Thirty Years War book, For God or the Devil, which is due for release in January 2020. What is more, you’ll also receive a signed copy of said book, and it will be delivered to your door without you having even to lift a finger! All you have to do is stay pledging at this level until the book comes out, and your name will go down in history as a Thirty Years Warrior! For those patrons generous enough to already be pledging above $12 a month, you should know that you’re automatically included in this already, so you can sit tight!
Time is of the Essence!
The T & C’s are minimal, but it should be reiterated that you will ONLY get these perks if you sign up in OCTOBER 2019. In other words, don’t sign up here in November or December expecting the same treatment. It is a timed offer, designed to bring new supporters into our WDF family, and to keep them there while we force-feed them goodies!
Now that you know what we mean by a ‘Special Offer’, and you understand that time is of the essence, you can hurry over to the Patreon page now and sign up! Maybe you’re curious though, about what happens in January 2020 when the book is released – do all the PhD Pals simply flee for the hills? Perhaps they do, and perhaps you will only sign up to make your mark on our book. For those that do decide to stick around though, I’d like to share something very exciting with you.
Introducing… Hardcore WDF
I would like to present Hardcore WDF - these will be one-off, long-form episodes less bound by scripts, and influenced by a rather famous podcast formula which I’m sure you’re well familiar with! These episodes will be released every season – so up to four times a year – and YOU will be able to decide what we focus on! For our first episode, set for release on April 30th 2020, you will decide whether we tackle a topic associated with either Bismarck, with WW2 or with the Hundred Years War. All patrons will be entitled to vote, but only a select few – the PhD Pals and above – will able to listen in! The polls for this episode – much like the Special Offer itself – will close after October, so make sure you go and vote now.
The PhD Pal tier is the result of several months’ worth of brainstorming, and coffee chats with my wife. It is my plan to make my income from Patreon more reliable, as I pay my considerable tuition fees, but I also genuinely believe that it will increase engagement and improve the overall experience of you, my valued patron! Supporters at the $12 level will of course receive the same benefits as the lower tiers, which means you’ll be able to feast your ears on Poland Is Not Yet Lost as well, so if you’ve been waiting for a time to pledge, make sure you do so in October 2019, and we can begin our wonderful journey! After so many years working towards this goal with you by my side, it only seemed right to take the next step together. Thanks for reading and stopping by, and see below for some quick-hit bullet points and FAQs in case you’re still curious. For everything else, don’t forget I’m only an email away! Thanksss!
What is a PhD Pal?
PhD Pal is the new $12 tier which I have launched, which gives you, the listener, the chance to show your support for the podcast by pledging at a higher level each month in return for some exclusive goodies you won’t get anywhere else.
What do I get for signing up at $12 a month?
A whole lot! Provided you sign up in October 2019 when our Special Offer is running, you’ll be listed in the Acknowledgements section of our Thirty Years War book For God or the Devil as a Thirty Years Warrior! What is more, you’ll get a signed copy of this book delivered straight to your door!
What is this special offer?
Patreon provide a service for creators called, imagine that, ‘Special Offer’, where they help you develop a timed exclusive deal which your supporters might enjoy. In return for answering the call within a limited time frame, you will then get perks and goodies which will be unavailable thereafter, so time really is of the essence!
So, PhD Pal is only a temporary thing?
Not at all! Once the book releases in January 2020, with my PhD Pals’ names inscribed within, we will change what it means to be a PhD Pal, and will be providing exclusive audio content, rather than books. Hardcore WDF is what I’ll be calling this content, and it will be unlike anything WDF has ever done before. Expect longer, less scripted, more detailed episodes, with topics that everyone can vote on, but only the most generous and passionate of patrons can listen to!
Can I stop pledging once I get the book?
Of course! If that’s what you’re signing up for, by all means, you may go with my blessing and thanks. That is, after all, what a special offer is there for – it’s meant to hook people and bring them in. My hope is that once you join with us, you’ll realise that even while we are quite nerdy and somewhat odd, you’ll want to stick around, whether it’s to avail of the Hardcore WDF episodes, or to reduce your pledge and simply access the Xtra feed, where Poland Is Not Yet Lost is playing.
What happens if I sign up to be a PhD Pal, but cancel shortly before the book is released?
PLEASE DON’T DO THAT! That would be very awkward, and it represents probably the biggest hurdle with this concept. So long as we trust each other, we will get along fine, and everything will work out for the better. Make sure you stay signed up for the four months - October, November, December and January!
What’s the story with merchandise?
What a good question! As you have surely realised, PhD Pals receive all previous perks, which means you get the same merchandise delivered to your door as the $7 and $10 tiers. This means that, all being well, along with your book in January 2020, you’ll also get a slick WDF bottle opener, a pen and a bumper sticker for your troubles!
I’m already pledging above $12, what will happen to me?
Thanks for your support! Not to worry, you’ll be automatically granted the same perks as the PhD Pal, so you can expect your signed book and fame in the Acknowledgements section of the book just the same.
What about me - I’m a patron AND I’ve bought your book already, where do I fit in?
Don’t panic! If you’re supporting us on Patreon you should have received a message from yours truly on Patreon Messenger, letting you know exactly where you stand on the whole situation. In short, if you meet the criteria, then you may qualify as a Thirty Years Warrior already, so don’t fret! What criteria is this? Essentially, if you’ve bought the book and been supporting the podcast AT ANY LEVEL for sufficient time, you’re in! According to my calculations, 22 patrons qualified for this status, and they ranged from $1 to $10 patrons, so check your messages and see if you’re in this select but happy few!
What if I don’t want to publicise my name, and I only want the signed book?
That is of course your right! We can do one of three things – I can place your real name in the Acknowledgements; your Patreon username or chosen pseudonym, or no name at all. It is all up to you, and I will work with whatever option you choose, just be sure to let me know if you’re not comfortable with your name appearing – the last thing I want to do is embarrass you!
Any other questions? Make sure and contact me through the usual channels – email, over Facebook or even Twitter! Thankssss!